HAPPY NEW YEAR!! It's a whole new year and everything have to restart again . I have many resolution for last year, like, I wanted to make a scrapbook for my Bangkok and Japan trip, I had gathered all the information I needed, and, hell yeah, it ended up laying under my bed, preparing to be cover up by many layers of dust.Another resolution is that , I wanted to have a wonderful final year in my high school life, and, hell bitch, I ended up myself like a recluse.I don't know what makes me distant myself from the society, but, now I really really regret it !!!!! There is still a list of resolution that I did not complete. Oh! I'm so lazy to mention here and I'm sure everyone are not interested what resolution I had made. Now, It's 2012. I still make my resolution for 2012, but, this year I must make it true, because my first resolution is to enter to Lasalle ,college of the arts. I really want to get into this college so badly! I haven't go for an interview as the interview date was not set yet.But I'm crossing my finger now so I can enter that college.